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Pollution, climate change, deforestation, poaching… Nature is being destroyed in (almost) total impunity by citizens, multinationals, organised crime as well as states. This is called an ecocide. Donald Trump, while at the head of one of the most polluting countries, decided to withdraw from the Paris agreement. In Brazil Bolsonaro has trampled underfoot the fragile safeguards patiently established to protect the Amazon rainforest from the appetites of the multinationals. In France Emmanuel Macron mocks the Amish and their oil lamps, when there is a demand for a debate on the effects of 5G on living beings. Crimes against nature appear every day and threaten our living conditions and our long-term survival.

For a long time nature, being a silent and immobile victim only had the NGOs and the activists as its allies. But today, advocates, lawyers and judges intend to compensate for the failure of governments and the destructive appetite of economic giants. They don’t put their stakes on emotions, marketing or petitions; their weapon is the civil code. They defend the concept of « nature’s rights » and environmental justice, and try to obtain legal personality status for ecosystems. According to them nature has rights.


Pollution, climate change, deforestation, poaching… Nature is being destroyed in (almost) total impunity by citizens, multinationals, organised crime as well as states. This is called an ecocide. Donald Trump, while at the head of one of the most polluting countries, decided to withdraw from the Paris agreement. In Brazil Bolsonaro has trampled underfoot the fragile safeguards patiently established to protect the Amazon rainforest from the appetites of the multinationals. In France Emmanuel Macron mocks the Amish and their oil lamps, when there is a demand for a debate on the effects of 5G on living beings. Crimes against nature appear every day and threaten our living conditions and our long-term survival.

For a long time nature, being a silent and immobile victim only had the NGOs and the activists as its allies. But today, advocates, lawyers and judges intend to compensate for the failure of governments and the destructive appetite of economic giants. They don’t put their stakes on emotions, marketing or petitions; their weapon is the civil code. They defend the concept of « nature’s rights » and environmental justice, and try to obtain legal personality status for ecosystems. According to them nature has rights.